Porsches & Private Jets
Jet Linx Houston was filled with beautiful automobiles as they hosted the Lone Star Region Porsche Club of America! Over 50 cars were part of the Coffee and Cars event at the private jet hangar.
“It was a private event put on by the Lone Star Region Porsche Club of America, where cars were lined up outside of our hangar and judged for prizes,” said Jessica Bifano, Jet Linx Houston Client Services Specialist. “They set up coffee and donuts outside and in our lobby, and all of the car owners mingled while they were being judged.”
The event was the Lone Star Region’s first Concours d’Elegance of 2016, and the autos were judged in terms of coach work, design, finish and appointments. The group hosts its own Concours events and judges based on their own criteria, as many of the club members use their Porsches as daily drivers, and have other commitments that would make competition in another Concours unlikely.
“I think the idea to have all of the cars on display at a private jet company made the event feel even more prestigious for the car owners, and gave us the opportunity to imperceptibly get our name out there while showing our beautiful facility at the same time,” Bifano explained.
Want to see more? View a video of the Concours on YouTube.

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